The average house price on FOWEY PLACE is £1,207,964
The most expensive house in the street is 3 FOWEY PLACE with an estimated value of £1,246,648
The cheapest house in the street is 1 FOWEY PLACE with an estimated value of £1,180,461
The house which was most recently sold was 3 FOWEY PLACE, this sold on 17 Jun 2022 for £1,220,000
The postcode for FOWEY PLACE is SM2 6FA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 FOWEY PLACE Detached , 234 m2 £1,180,461 £880,000 8 Jul 2016
2 FOWEY PLACE Detached , 234 m2 £1,204,165 £895,000 30 Jun 2016
3 FOWEY PLACE Detached , 234 m2 £1,246,648 £1,220,000 17 Jun 2022
4 FOWEY PLACE Detached , 234 m2 £1,200,582 £895,000 8 Jul 2016